Friday, October 31, 2008

October 31


For Monday, bring in entire poster presentationa and independent journal entries.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30

Journal entry #5 (Last one!)
How did his/her actions impact the United States? (In can be years in the future and you are reflecting back, you could even be a ghost in the 21st century and you are noticing the how your person influenced the growth of the United States). Remember to keep the flow! (see sample below)

MAKE SURE 5 entries are typed (final drafts). Entire assignment is due on Monday (Independent work and group work)

May 10, 1999 Betty Janson's Diary
My entire life, I never knew that I would live this long. I am now the oldest woman in the world. As I near the end of my life and as I lay on my deathbed, I reflect back on the most memorable parts. Certainly, working for Mr. Morgan until his death in 1913 was monumental. I look around New York today and I see his legacy everywhere; on Wall Street where traders still revel at the sound of his name, in the tall skyscrapers that really seem to scrape the sky, and at the Morgan Library where he so graciously donated the books of his study. Most importantly, I see remnants of the past in people’s lifestyles. Many individuals today have become wealthy due to practicing his methods in investing into many different industries. In fact, his company, still going strong as we arrive into the new millennium has just merged with Chase Bank. The spirit of Mr. Morgan, after all this time, still knows how to strike a deal!

Tips for writing a bibliography

Site name. Date of last update. Author. Date you accessed the site

The History of Columbus Day. 2004. The History Channel website. 27 October 2008, content_type=Minisite_Generic&content_type_id=194&display_order=4&mini_id=104

Author (last name, first name). Title of the book. City: Publisher, Date of publication.

Postgate, Oliver. Columbus: The Triumphant Failure. New York: School & Library Binding,1992

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28

831 and 802:

Journal entry #4
What were some struggles/difficulties/encounters that your person was faced with? How did he/she react to them? Pick one for your journal entry.

See below...

May 10, 1912 Betty Janson
I’ve never seen Mr. Morgan so angry! In all the years that I’ve been here, I’ve never heard him so much as cuss (except around reporters who hound him with questions about his personal and business life). There’s been a lot of talk saying that he has been amassing too much control over the railroads and other industries. The U.S. government has been sending investigators to his office and are questioning everyone at J.P. Morgan & Co. In fact, Mr. Morgan must report to the House Banking and Currency Committee next week! The muckrakers are to blame for this. They say that he is in too much control of American society….


Friday, October 24, 2008

October 24

HW: MAKE SURE first 3 entries are typed (final drafts)! We will continue on our group work next week (Monday). Bring in oak tag, markers, glue, etc. REMEMBER YOU MUST BRING IN PICTURES

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22

802: See checklist for presentation. For Friday, bring in markers, oak tag, and glue if you are working on the poster. Keep on collecting images and pictures that pertain to your topic.

Checklist for Group Presentation
1) at LEAST 5 images that connect to your historical person and topic (1 per topic, example, a portrait of Jacob Riis for ‘Who’)
2) DETAILED explanations/captions/descriptions that go with images AND topics
3) Each member’s contribution in speaking, brainstorming, and research.
4) Title page and Bibliography at end
However many slides you have is up to you. You must make sure that your presentation meets all the criteria

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20

Second entry will be done in class on Tuesday. Continue to bring in research. For HW tonight, make sure revision for 1st entry is complete.

Journal Entry #2Where is the place that the person is from (or lives, has a strong influence in, or is near)? Describe it. What is going on? Who lives there? What is atmosphere like? Use descriptive words and be very detailed. You may not mention much about your person/topic. Focus on the PLACE, the WHERE. If necessary use an image to aid you.Sample:Personal Journal of Betty Janson (maid of J.P. Morgan)September 10, 1892 I hurried through the crowded streets of the Lower East Side. Vendors and street stalls clog the paths. People are swarming everywhere and rush to the front of the vendors in order to purchase the wares and food items that are on sale. These humble merchants have everything from shoes to celery, from kosher pickles to underwear. In fact, you find anything in this immigrant section of Manhattan.I find the stand that I need and quickly purchase my linens and sheets. Even though I live within the servant quarters of Mr. Morgan’s home on the Upper East Side, I’ve always preferred to shop here where the buildings are barely three stories high and everything is cheap at best. Most importantly, the social atmosphere is undeniably unique. I hear people bargaining in languages I’ve never heard before. Most are from the eastern part of Europe. In fact, I even hear spoken phrases in Italian (which I picked up from our housekeeper, Mrs. Coppola). It is here, in the southern tip of Manhattan, where you will find all the struggling working class people. They either live in tiny, cramped tenements or they labor in the many textile factories that line the streets alongside Broadway. It might be a coincedence that many of these hardworking individuals crammed against me while buying sheets may also toil away in the steel industry, which Mr. Morgan has a large stake in.Yes, this city has truly changed in the twenty years that I’ve been alive. Never have I seen such an increase in population and jobs! On top of that, this part of the Lower East Side is so drastically different from the tall, gleaming, majestic skyscrapers that are present throughout the rest of Manhattan. Mr. Morgan works there. Right now, J. P. Morgan & Company are probably signing forms to rescue (more like take over) another failing company. Rumor has it that next in line is the U.S. government. I heave a heavy sigh, this world that I’m in now is really a world away from Mr. Morgan’s.

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17

MONDAY: First ENTRY due on Monday. WHO is my person? What is his/her personality like?
Where was he born? Where did he go to school? Who may have influenced his/her career? How do people treat him/her? How does he/she treat people?

Sample: Betty Janson (Maid of J.P. Morgan)

March 1892, New York
I quickly dusted Mr. Morgan’s bookshelf. He will be home soon and will not be happy that his grand home is in such a disarray. My boss, Mr. John Pierpont Morgan grew up in a very affluent part of Connecticut. Raised in the best boarding schools in America and in Europe, he is used to rigor and order. We, his servants, must comply to his structured way of life. Even the smallest speck of dust would send everything into an uproar.
You could say that his father’s strong influence on his education led to his success. Learning French wasn’t enough; he also had to learn German! Yes, Mr. Morgan was pretty much groomed for this type of life...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14

831, 802: Major Assignment #1 See below for details. ASSIGNMENT HAS NOT FULLY BEEN DISCUSSED WITH ALL STUDENTS YET. However, you can see what topic you have been assigned to and start conducting a bit of research. Everything will be fully explained this week.


Andrew Carnegie - Mattelyn, Christina, Dimitrios
John D. Rockefeller – Rocio, Charles, Jesus
Theodore Roosevelt - Anthony, Ashley, Yeo Jin
Jacob Riis - Brandon, Brittany, Han Lim
Samuel Gompers - Ramses, Christina Park, Joanna
Upton Sinclair- Andrea, Stacy, Julian
Ida Tarbell – Yusef, Alexis, Sebastian
Elizabeth Cady Stanton – Evan, Paris, Gabby, Kassie


Andrew Carnegie - Anthony B, Nina, Tessa, Spencer
John D. Rockefeller – Olivia, Briana, Craig, Jessica
Theodore Roosevelt - James B., Natalia, Yo han, Stephanie
Jacob Riis - Lawrence, Michelle, Anna, Adriana
Samuel Gompers - Philip, Adam, Michael, Arianna
Upton Sinclair- Vicky, Emma, Jonathan, Rachel
Ida Tarbell – Elana, Taylor, Samantha, Ning
Elizabeth Cady Stanton – Antonio, Rachel Ann, Maria, Raymond

MAJOR ASSIGNMENT #1: The Gilded Age/the Progressive Era
The events of the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era have deeply impacted American society in many ways at the turn of the 20th century. Big business moguls like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Cornelius Vanderbilt carved up industrial wealth and Wall Street for themselves. On another level, millions of families and individuals from overseas (mainly Europe and later on Asia) have flooded major cities. Some were escaping discrimination and religious persecution. Others were following dreams of American wealth and sought new lives filled with economic opportunities. Their struggles at home and in the workplace prompted reformers and muckrakers to lobby for improved living and work conditions. Unions also began to form and were pushed forward by bold leaders who demanded better pay and safer working conditions. The presence and actions of all these uniquely different individuals ultimately transformed the nation.

For this particular assignment, you will be focusing on a notable individual during the Gilded Age/Progressive Era.
You will be assigned one of these:

Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
Theodore Roosevelt
Jacob Riis
Samuel Gompers
Upton Sinclair
Ida Tarbell
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Independent work
a) For the written portion of this assignment, you must write 5 journal entries based on these 5 topics:
1) who your person is,
2) where he/she is from
3) when was he/she famous (describe the time period he/she was active in)
4) what struggles did he experience and encounter
5) how did his/her actions impact or change the United States

You will write this from the viewpoint of the person or someone who is working with him/her (an assistant, spouse, etc) Each entry needs to be one page typed, double-spaced (font size 12, Times New Roman or Comic Sans). Examples of this will be given each day when a new topic is assigned (One journal entry will focus on 1 topic).

b) You must complete research for this assignment. A minimum of 5 sources will be accepted ( 2 of which MUST be books ). See separate section on how to write a bibliography.

c) A cover sheet must be turned in with assignment. Be creative! Make it resemble a book, sketch person’s portrait, etc. Be sure to include your name, class, date, and name of explorer.

Group Work
This portion will be done in class. Students who share a person will work together on creating a poster presentation or a PowerPoint on who he/she is, where he/she is from, when was he/she famous , what struggles did he experience and encounter, how did his/her actions impact or change the United States.
For this presentation, you must include 5 images that connect to this person . Each one must represent the topics that were covered. You must EXPLAIN to the class how the image relates to the topic. They can either be drawn or they can be actual paintings or sketches from the time period.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 9

HW: 831 Use the images above for your poem or you can use the story in your article.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 7


Poem due on Tuesday! (831) Notebook check on Tuesday! (For 802, notebook check is on Friday) See below for samples on both!

Date Description page #
9/3 Word web American history
9/8 Civil War Chart (831)
9/9 Notes from Recon. Assignments
9/10 “
9/15 Presentations on Recon.
9/22 Review / Identifications
9/28 802 – Paragraph w/words
9/29 Gilded Age Activity
10/3 “
10/6 Child Labor
10/7 Channelone News reflection
10/7 Child Labor: Poem

-Table of Contents (each day is listed and labeled with page number and date)
-There is no other subject in sourcebook
-Every assignment is completed
-Notebook is organized (chronological order and limited doodling)

The Minutes Stand Still
Time is like a creeping tortoise here
The appearance of the crescent moon is ever near
With every deep breath I take
My lungs allow the dirt and dust to overtake
The loud hum of the sewing machines numb my head
I wonder if my body will make it into bed
With my back propped up on the stiff chair
Pressed next against these poor girls is all I can bear
Poor Father has not worked in weeks!
It is up to me to make enough money for even leeks
As my mind reflects on my future coming
I hear the familiar ‘Ding!’
Time for a 10 minute break!
For an education and books will never be in my wake.

Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6

HW: Remember news article reaction is due tonight! Journal entry is due TOMORROW

For tomorrow, bring in an article on child labor for discussion. See below for links...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2


1) A news article reaction due by Monday 6 PM. E-mail me at Questions will also be on blog.Topic: Vice Presidential Debate- 1 page reflection a) What article and source/newspaper did you use? What were some topics mentioned? Describe each candidate’s behavior (were they nervous, fierce, timid, etc). Who came out as the stronger candidate? See links below....,8599,1846995,00.html,8599,1846977,00.html

Sample: The article that I found is "Biden and Palin Square Off" from the newsmagazine Newstime. Senator Joe Biden and Governor Palin argued over many topics during the debate. However, the main issue seemed to be the struggling economy and how many people were losing jobs. Palin's behavior was that of nervousness in the beginning but later on she gatherered more energy, especially when she was talking about this topic. She rallied for working and middle class families and stressed that Sentor McCain and herself would do whatever it takes for people to remain employed. Biden was very restrained during the debate. He did accuse Palin of one time of saying something that wasn't true...

2) Write a journal entry in your sourcebook on using words from our group work or the video (at least 6). Imagine that you are living during the early years of the Gilded Age. What is going on around you? How is New York changing?